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How I work


My way of working has its origins in Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy is also called psychotherapy of contact. Gestalt is an active and experiential psychotherapy.
We all have our own background s that has shaped us into who we are. In the contact with others this background is expressed in the foreground. In this way we show ourselves to the other: how we express ourselves, how we experience the contact with the other. By examining the foreground together, differences and similarities will become clear. Similarities offer possibilities for recognition and confirmation and connection with the other. Differences offer the possibility to choose new experiences and paths. In the contact with the other I value:


I offer you a safe place to discover and learn more about yourself and/or to overcome for yourself. You’re ok as you are. What you share with me stays between us. Only after written permission from you, will I provide information to third parties, after I have shared this information with you.


Loss of control ( leadership of your life ) means loss of your reliable compass. A compass that helps to determine which responsibility you rightly take on and which one you leave with the other. I support you in (re)taking control of your own situation. We pull together and work on the progress of your growth in regaining freedom and individuality (authenticity). I assume an equal relationship, in which I help you to develop or regain your individuality. We are equal in value. I through my knowledge and experience, you through yours. I build a personal relationship with you, in which I contribute everything within me that will help you in your growth towards more freedom and your own leadership. We start on an equal footing and without a ready-made answer. We go on a ‘journey’ together.


I don’t work with classifications, I work with the power of contact. I start from the most primary fact, namely the (therapeutic) relationship between you and me. In that interaction of our contact I let you experience by increasing your awareness of who you are, who you want to be and what possibilities there are in the situation you find yourself in. I offer you handles through more choices. In this way you get more insight into the consequences of new choices and better insight into the reality of the situation. So that you can find ways to free yourself from oppressive and sometimes even painful situations and relationships.